$0f0|1-I thought this was funny when I $0f0|1-wrote it, but I know I was wrong! $ff0|2-Pen $ff1 $ff2 $ff3|1-V99.6a $ff4 $ff5 $ff6 $ff7 $0f0|1-By Daniel Thornton $fff System requirements: -------------------- 1 hand or better 1 Piece paper Human Brain V1.0+ Introduction ------------ Since the beginning of time, humans have been crying out for a way of putting small marks, henceforth known as `words` on pieces of processed wood-pulp known as `paper`. Since this project was started, it has undergone various changes (see `history`, and I now believe that is finally almost perfect. Instructions for use -------------------- To use the Pen, you must first boot up your brain (also referred to as `being awake`). When the startup-sequence has finished, you must first get a load of paper and place it on a flat surface. If you find that your startup-sequence takes too long, you may find that using the `Nescafé` Commodity speeds up your brain`s startup-sequence. Secondly, pick up your Pen, and remove the special `Cap(tm)` (registered version only). Place the point of the Pen onto the paper, and move the pen around, gripping quite firmly, until coloured Marks(tm) appear. These Marks(tm) may be any colour, but they are usually BLACK, BLUE, RED or in some revisions, GREEN. When you have finished using your Pen, lift the Pen from the Paper and replace the Cap(tm). You may wish to have a backup-copy of your Pen. If so, these are available with the original Pen for only £15 extra, and are known as `Presentation Sets`. Shareware notice ---------------- The Pen is shareware. As such, you may use the Pen up to a maximum of 20 times, before registering. The registration fee is only £0.21 and for this you get the Cap(tm) which you place on the point of your Pen. This Cap(tm) is a unique and useful Commodity for your Pen, as correct usage can help prolong the life of your Pen. To register, send a cheque for £0.21 (inc p&p) to one of the following addresses: BIC PARKER 21 Budget Street 1-50 Flashgit Road Peckham Park Lane A12 345 R5O L3 History ------- 1st century BC | Pen V1.0 created. Very primitive - it is just a sharp | point, which when pressed hard onto human skin, | creates a flow of red ink, known as `Blood`. A few hundred | The ink is now available in various colours, and is years later AD | dependent on human blood. The Pen V75.2 consists of a | feather which is dipped in ink, and leaves trails on | paper. V75.2 has the sub-name `Quill`. 17th century AD | Ink is now stored in the Pen`s Barrel. Easy | replacement. (V80.2r) Around 1930`s | Mr Biro takes over Pen production. He believes that | Pen should not leak on plane`s, and redesigns it, | with a new type of ink. Pen V87.63a is released. 1940+ | Minor bug-fixes and cosmetic changes. V80.2r is still | available. Copyright warning ----------------- Although Pen is shareware, it is protected by international copyright law. The manufacturer`s of Pen will take legal action if Pen is copied or sold illegaly. Warning ------- We are aware of a number of pirate versions of Pen V1.0 in circulation. These are highly dangerous, as the points vary in size and sharpness. The manufacturer of these ILLEGAL pirate copies calls them `Knives`. Beware: These are highly dangerous. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. $00f|1-Another product of the mind of $0f0|1-Daniel Thornton $0ff end